Daylight robbery at Dansoman


Robbing has become rampant in Ghana now a days. People mostly use motorcycles for robbery. 

They spy you when you go to bank for money withdrawal. 

Recently , there  was another robbery case at Adenta in Greater Accra region which they were using motorbike. 

CCTV camera captures them when they were doing it and it was also a woman which they robb. 

Robbery has become something common in Ghana now a days. People mostly use motorcycles for robbery. 

Some goes with weapons, they attack you either on street or in your house. 

They spy you when you go to bank for money withdrawal. 

Recently , there  was another robbery case at Adenta in Greater Accra region which they were using motorbike. 

CCTV camera captures them when they were doing it and it was also a woman which they robb. 

Now another robbing case which is now trending in Ghana is that, two armed Robbers used motorbike to robb a woman at Dansoman. 

From the video, it was a daytime around 2:00pm to 3:00pm. 

The house facing the direction of the woman was her house. 

Also read

You can see that it has left about few step for the woman to reach her house. 

Suddenly, the Robbers came around with a motorbike. 

The one at the back of the motor attack her with a piercing object. 

Watch the full video and see what happens there. 

After the incident the victim has come out and narrate what happens there. 

They were struggling and the thieve were hiting  the woman with the tool that he was holding. 

The woman gave up and the collected her money from her. 

            They were being captured with a CCTV cameras. It was one of the neighbors CCTV camera which captured it. 

The news coming out is that one of the suspect has been caught  and the other has has run away. 

The Police said to us that they will also do all of their best to to get the other one too. 



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